Flax is an agricultural crop that grows excellently on the clay soil of the Netherlands, Belgium and the North of France. There are two main types of flax: fibre flax and oil flax.
Since time immemorial fibre flax was grown for the production of linen yarns. Oil flax is intended for the production of flax seed. From this linseed oil is pressed which is among other things applied in: soap, paint and linoleum. Flax is an annual white or blue flowering plant that is sowed in the spring and is ready for harvesting within 3 to 4 months. After the flax has been drawn it is left in the fields for dewretting. After this the flax is transported to the flax-processing companies. Here the fibre is mechanically separated from the stalk. The shorter fibre goes to the textile industry or nowadays also to the insulating materials for the building industry. The short fibre is used in the paper industry. The seed of the plant is used for the augmentation and the manufacture of linseed oil.
At the end of the chain the stalk parts and the roots are used for the manufacture of the flax waste board. In this manner 100% utilization of the flax plant is achieved.
Flax is a renewable raw material, because the plant can be regenerated in a relatively short time and in considerable quantities. In the framework of durable building the use of building materials from renewable raw materials is interesting, as they have a low energy-content and as a rule their production generates little environmental burdening. Also there are good possibilities for local production, so that transport, which causes environmental pollution, can be limited to a minimum.
Unique characteristics of the environmentally friendly flax waste boards are: light weight and yet optimal stability, contributes to fire-retarding, high insulation and dB-values and has a homogeneous quality.